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Oklahoma tourism department promoting state parks
 Tuesday, July 18, 2023

The Oklahoma Tourism Department is heartening up the local resident to conquer the heat by spending time at the best beaches, watering holes, and caves in the state.
Now is the time to find out the wonderful beaches and unforeseen places within the state parks in Oklahoma, said the executive director, Shelley Zumwalt. These unseen gems are respected by visitors and locals in the same way. Shelley added that anyone might love the cascading waterfalls or the tranquil ambiance of watering holes, there are tons of options to cook off and say goodbye to the heat.
There are three parks of interest in Western and Northwestern Oklahoma. From Enid they are within a short driving distance that is listed in a press release of the tourism department about close by places where people can cool off this summer.
Gage Artesian Beach is a natural swimming hole that is located in Gage town. It has cement-lined walls with a sandy-beach bottom.
From Enid off to US 412 and Oklahoma, it’s located about two hours drive. Once, these mineral-laden waters acted as major cure ailments for everyone, and in the 1920s and 30s, the Artesian Beach spent time as a popular health resort. In 1917, a group of people struck water and the rest is history.
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Tags: Oklahoma, state parks, Tourism
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